We are delighted to announce that New Horizons Children’s Academy has been accredited as an Advanced Thinking School by the University of Exeter.
Staff and children at our school came together to fundraise for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, in aid of a Reception pupil at our school being treated for leukemia at The Royal Marsden Hospital.
EYFS at New Horizons Children’s Academy have had a very exciting Term so far and have enjoyed the opportunity to engage in a range of wonderful new experiences.
Children from Years 4 and 5 had the opportunity to attend an exciting residential trip to Kingswood, away form home, for three days!
Children at New Horizons Children’s Academy were delighted to welcome Jaimie Phillips from DPD last term.
New Horizons Children’s Academy was delighted to be involved in the first ever Medway Light Nights event last week!