School Performance

New Horizons Children's Academy KS2 Results 2024

Percentage of pupils reaching expected level

Please see table below for the school’s latest assessment data. This is the school’s provisional data, which may change slightly in the future. Final, validated data will be available in December 2024.  The Medway and national data is also provisional data at this time. The final Medway and national data will also be published here when that becomes available.


AttainmentNew Horizons Children's Academy 2024Provisional National 2024
Key Stage 2 Reading76%74%
Key Stage 2 Writing72%72%
Key Stage 2 Maths77%73%
Key Stage 2 GPaS72%72%
Key Stage 2 RWM combined67%61%
Key Stage 2 RWM higher standard9%7%



Year 1 Phonics Check 2024:

New Horizons Children's Academy 2024National 2024


Year 2 Phonics Expected Standard 2024:

 New Horizons Children's Academy 2024National 2024
 94% 89%


Good Level of Development at end of EYFS 2024:

New Horizons Children's Academy 2024National 2024


To visit the academy’s page on the DfE school performance table website please click here.

To visit the general DfE school performance tables website please click here

On these pages you can compare the academy’s performance against other schools and find how the school has performed in previous years.